Goulash Party

One Saturday morning Milan and I woke up and I said, "What do you want to do today?" He was at a loss, and I suggested we make some goulash with his dad in the garden. The previous week, Milan's dad had shown me the grill and the pot they use to cook goulash outdoors in nature. Sounded like a good time. We headed over around 11:00 to see what he was up to, and it turned out that he was already preparing a table and chairs near the rabbits to accommodate guests. Apparently Ivan, Milan's brother, and his family were also planning to cook goulash. We arranged a schedule and decided to make a day of it.

We started at around 2:30 and finished around 5:30 and Ivan started at 6:00 and ended at 9:00. Milan and I made our goulash in sort of "high style" you might say.

We used high quality pork and beef with the usual onions, peppers, tomatoes, bacon and spices. Ivan and family used wild meat and exotic spices.

The photos really tell the story of the evening better than I can, but I will add this little anecdote. After our goulash finished around 5:30, we went nuts eating as much as we possibly could. Like a competition or something. I think I must have been out of my mind because after three bowls and half of his dad's, I was ready to pass out.

While Ivan and his family cooked with Milan's dad, we took a nap upstairs, and when we awoke three house later, there was new goulash and Dominika and Ivan had arrived at our house with flashlights to help us find our way back to the party. (The thing about living near your family is that they know everything. As soon as the lights went on in our house, they knew we were awake. We're like a beacon in the night. One time I was reading the kitchen until late and the next day Milan's dad asked me what I was doing in the kitchen until so late. He didn't see the lights go out until nearly midnight. These are the times I'm glad our bedroom faces the opposite side of the house.) The giant lump of goulash that was already in my stomach was screaming, "NO!! Please no!" Unfortunately, we were obliged to eat at least one bowl, which we did, but I may never eat goulash again - it doesn't matter how amazing and delicious it is, I can still feel that lump...

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